Dear Student,
Your insights as a student pursuing technical education are vital in comprehending the landscape of technical education in India. This survey, titled "Technical Education in India: Past, Present, and Future,"
seeks to gather your valuable perspectives on the historical progression, current state, and potential future of technical education in our country. Your experiences and observations as a learner navigating
this domain are integral in envisioning improvements and innovations that can enhance the quality and relevance of technical education. Your honest and thoughtful responses will greatly contribute to
understanding the evolving dynamics and shaping a brighter future for technical education in India. Thank you for taking the time to participate and share your thoughts.
Your responses will be kept strictly confidential and the data shared by you will not be used for identification of an individual. The findings of this survey are meant for group behaviour study and shall be
used to improve the quality of Technical Education in India in general.
Note: If you are opening the links through mobile phone, kindly fill data in landscape mode for better visibility. Additionally, if filling the survey through
mobile phone, for questions of "Drag & Drop" type, Kindly hold the option and when it is selected, then drop into the box provided.
Please provide the details about your institute to the best of your knowledge
Section 7: Comments and Suggestions